Jessica Henwick Matrix Sunglasses

The sun­glass­es Worn by Bugs (Jes­si­ca Hen­wick) in the Movie Ma­trix Res­ur­rec­tions

British eyewear designer, Tom Davies produced over 200 bespoke frames for The Matrix Resurrections, with each character carefully considered for what their frames say about them, their role in the film, and what director Lana Wachowski wanted to project to her audience. The iconic frames of BUGs (portrayed by Jessica Henwick) were designed and handmade using the London-based brand Catch London (owned by Tom Davies) to produce these unique frames referred to as the HOLLYWELL Sunglasses on their website. Today we’re going to discuss these sunglasses, discover their history, and where you can go about purchasing them.

The BUGs Sunglasses themselves are some of the most unique glasses I’ve come across in quite some time. The large framed, perfectly circular lenses and the unique half-rim design where the frame only covers the bottom half of the lens are truly unique and eye-catching. Along with this, the sunglasses feature a metal bar that crosses across the entire lens that almost looks like it could block your view (although it doesn’t). The creator of these glasses, Tom Davides had this to say about these glasses and the challenges he faced during his design process:

“The glasses worn by the characters in The Matrix series are a key element of each look, so this was the most creatively challenging Hollywood commission I have ever had. It was a huge honor to be chosen to create all of the eyewear for The Matrix Resurrections, and terrific to work with the legendary costume designer Lindsay Pugh and the brilliant production team.” – Tom Davies

About Tom Davies & Catch London

Davies established his own eyewear brand in 2002, which was named after him. He decided to do this after becoming frustrated with how his designs were being produced to standard fits, which were not working well for wearers since everyone’s facial features are different. He had already designed personalized frames for friends and family, and so he returned to London to launch a brand that would incorporate the made-to-measure principles of couture.

In 2013, Davies unveiled his bespoke optician’s concept with the opening of his first boutique in Sloane Square. Here, he offered his tailor-made diagnostic service, which has become a signature feature of his brand, along with bespoke lens and frame fittings.

All of the Catch London frames are handmade in a factory located in west London. The factory is only a short distance from the city center, and each frame is named after a famous street. The factory also serves as a creative space, complete with a massage room, a Lego room for imaginative play, and a rooftop bar.

The Hollywell Sunglasses: Where to buy these frames?

Luckily for most, the frames worn by Bugs in the Matrix are available for purchase and can be found on the official Catch London website. Not only this, but they’re also available in a wide range of different colors including Bugs ‘Blue’ color, but also in Red, Green & Black. They are made with a combination of recycled acetate and are a larger size frame best suited for an eye-catching look (literally).

At present, you can purchase these glasses directly through their official website. Instead, you’ll need to visit one of Catch London’s stores or official authorized retailers. The Kitcat Sunglasses are another frame of a similar style to the HOLLYWELL aside from the fact the lenses take a hexagonal shape.

Variation to the BUGs Sunglasses – The Kitcat with hexagonal frames